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E-mail marketing - 4 min. read

How to quantify your marketing efforts correctly

Generally speaking, it is considered that for every 100 visual impacts a brand makes, around 2 people will show up at the store in search of the product (that doesn’t mean they’re going to necessarily buy it). To make sure you reach your projected goals, three tasks have to be completed: drawing up a strategy, establishing the right message and using the correct means. Running a successful marketing campaign takes time, money, and effort. And after all of that, the big question is: how do you know if your campaigns are effective?

The most important step in correctly assessing how marketing impacts your business is identifying a market opportunity. In terms of measurements, you need to pay close attention to aspects that are dominated by quantity and quality, as follows:

• Check if your target audience remembers your brand’s message;
• Evaluate legibility – if the message is clear and the consumer understands it;
• Identify any distortion that may come between your message and what the audience actually understands;
• How do you communicate your message in front of the competition?

Make sure that the message does not have a negative impact on your brand (like when your audience remembers a highly creative message, but they forgot the name of your brand or product).

• What does the target audience think of your brand after having seen your campaign?
• Brand recognition;
• Brand positioning (where you are situated compared to the competition, in your consumer’s mind);
• How does the client interact with publicity?
• Emotions and feelings towards your brand;

They offer info about your commercial team’s involvement, let you establish realistic goals, identify and evaluate the sales team’s input more efficiently and see where sellers have greater odds of reaching new markets.

To make sure your campaign is efficient you need to be able to measure how much engagement you are getting from it. To do that you have to analyze the interaction of your prospects and what are their actions after they saw your campaign.

E-mail marketing metrics

In order to improve your campaigns, you need to pay attention to some metrics specific to e-mail marketing. Today we will talk about opens, clicks, and unsubscribes.

Opens: When your open rates are high it means that your campaigns have attractive subject lines for your audience. Make sure you are using catchy, relevant subject lines that attract and convert your audience. If your open rates are low, you may need to revisit your from and subject. You can be either too long with your text or maybe you don’t put enough effort to caption the reader’s attention.

Click rates: This metric is telling how many prospects are taking action after seeing your campaign. You may be getting people to open your e-mails, but are you motivating them to take a commercial decision? Make sure your call to action and offers are interesting enough for your target audience.

Unsubscribes: No matter how good you communicate your message, there will always be unsubscribes. The question is: unsubscribes numbers is increasing? If it is, you may be sending too many e-mails, or you might not be staying relevant to your customer’s needs and wants. Another thing is to remove them from your list to make sure you don’t hurt the deliverability of your email overall.

We establish that each of those metrics is very important to your campaign success, but how do you measure them? Bisens Campaign Management is a marketing software that provides compiled average open and clicks rates, real-time results and statistics, so you can see how your campaigns perform and what to do in order to improve your future ones. You are also able to compare current campaigns to past campaigns to see if how efficient they are.

Do not forget that there isn’t a one size fits all in the marketing world. With new channels, tools and approaches, you should always focus on establishing an efficient cycle of iteration.

Our advice is to always try something new, measure it correctly and build know-how with the tools you have. And keep repeating this loop!